Already understand blog page templates? Jump ahead using one of these quick links: Genesis Blog page template Genesis Easter egg: query_args query_args examples Our Blog Extras template Using the Genesis framework, it's possible to produce a stream of posts that match virtually any criteria. All it takes is a little understanding of page templates and custom fields. For starters, … [Read more...] about How To Use the Genesis Blog Page Template
Genesis Framework
Introduced in early 2010, the Genesis framework is a theme framework created by StudioPress. Genesis is often called the parent theme, and it supports a wide variety of child themes. With a WordPress website running Genesis and one of its child themes, the framework provides an easily modified and updated core structure, and the child theme controls design elements, such as styling and typography. That makes it easy to update and extend the framework without disrupting the design on a live site, while allowing child themes to incorporate new Genesis features over time.