A shortcode in WordPress is a powerful way to add content via a macro. The shortcode executes code that replaces the shortcode with specific content. By default, they’re not enabled everywhere in WordPress.
That’s a limitation you can easily get around using our wpPERFORM.com Enable Shortcodes Everywhere plugin.
The plugin adds support for shortcode support in the following places in WordPress:
- widget titles and text
- comment text
- category, tag, and taxonomy descriptions
- excerpts
- registered taxonomy archive intro text in Genesis child theme
- author archive intro text in a Genesis child theme
- custom post type archive intro text in a Genesis child theme
Genesis child themes use an archive intro text that’s different from the archive description, so we add support for that too. For registered taxonomies, that includes both the default taxonomies of categories and tags as well as custom taxonomies.
The plugin has no settings. Once activated, you can use valid shortcodes in the places listed above in addition to post or page content. If you deactivate the plugin and you include a shortcode in a place where WordPress doesn’t support it by default, the shortcode will never be replaced with other content, so the original unconverted shortcode will remain.